This was the site near my house yesterday evening. Lovely work crews from Georgia Power did their magic while I sat on the front porch and waited to hear the hum of my A/C units kicking in. I can live without air conditioning, but not having even a fan to help cool you at night is miserable. Cold showers before bed helped - a little.
We came through the storm OK, but had several days worth of work to clean up all the storm debris. Our camp in Mississippi had several feet of flood water under the house and when the flood receded there was sticky, stinky mud everywhere. Turns out I'm pretty handy with the pressure washer!
Despite my good intentions, I did no sewing - by hand or people-powered machine. During the actual storm (which lasted f o r e v e r), it was too dismal to concentrate on sewing. After the storm, it was just too hot and and everything in the house felt damp and sticky. Now that life is getting back to normal, I can't wait to get my hands into some projects.
Thanks to everyone who wrote and expressed concern about the storm and sent good thoughts and prayers. I consider myself an old hand at hurricanes, but every storm is different and the outcome is always uncertain. We have friends who lost everything in the floods caused by Isaac, so we know how quickly life can be turned upside down. I'm hoping we've seen the end of hurricanes for this season!