I've had a lot of fun playing with my Post Card quilt scraps this week. I've been cutting and stitching different hexagon shapes, inspired by Barb Vedder's Hex Vex quilt pattern.

Another EPP technique is using freezer paper shapes and fabric glue instead of basting stitches. These diamonds were cut using freezer paper. Fabric glue will hold the seam allowances in place while the diamonds are stitched together.
I haven't decided if I like one technique better than the other. I think it's always useful to have a repertoire of stitching techniques, so you can use the one that works best in a given situation.

And wouldn't you know I found a few new fabrics - completely unrelated to flamingos - that I NEEDED? These two Robert Kaufman prints were too cute to pass up!
Or how about this retro-style cocktail recipe fabric?
And a new text fabric - this might even become the backing for my flamingo Hex Vex!
A few weeks ago, I mentioned my Dear Husband was cooking Jamie Oliver's Chicken in Milk for dinner. I don't have a picture of our finished chicken, but you can check out the one in the link. The resulting chicken was delicious - and even better the next day in sandwiches. We liked it so much we're having it again this evening - and serving it to guests!
If you're looking for more scrappy inspiration, check out the links at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!