I actually had to attend a job-related activity today, so my sewing time was limited. Fortunately, I had lots of parts and pieces already cut for some 9 patch blocks, and was able to finish these up quickly. There are only 3 more colors left to complete for this project, so maybe I'll be able to assemble a 9 patch quilt top before the end of the year.
I know many quilters enjoy listening to audio books or podcasts while sewing - I'm definitely in that number. My son told me about the podcast Presidential from The Washington Post last weekend and I started listening to it immediately. I'm only up to the 7th president, but it's been a refreshing alternative to the surreality show surrounding the upcoming U.S. election.
On that note, I'm heading back to my sewing room to see what other stitching I can accomplish before my eyelids get too heavy. And of course, I'll be checking in on all the aqua accomplishments the other Rainbow scrappers have achieved this week.