Keeping up the multi-color fabric theme for this month's Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I pulled out a pile of flamingo fabrics I started cutting last year with the intention of making a Postcard Quilt.

I even had a piece of striped fabric in the stash that turned out to be perfect for the binding!
Of course, cutting all those postcards created a pile of scraps. Not to mention all the fabrics that got pulled but not used. The more I looked at everything, the more I realized I wasn't finished playing with these fabrics and colors. It dawned on me I had a great start on fabrics for a flamingo-inspired version of Barb Vedder's Hex Vex pattern.
I've only got one hexie partially pieced, but I've got lots of inspiration for block combos!
Looking for more multi-color scrap inspiration? Check out the Rainbow Scrap Challenge linky party for today!